Cyber Security


Are you looking for ultimate cyber security?

Do you value peace of mind?

Do you have information that you must protect regardless of the adversary?

If so then my solution to you would be to start using OpenBSD. Considered by most to be the world's most secure modern day operating system. Open source, BSD licensed, and with a thriving (if small) community of developers: OpenBSD stands out as probably the most hardened, tested and cutting edge security focused Operating System available.

Often used to run Firewalls using their built in Packet Filter, sending secure communications over OpenSSH and LibreSSL, or just plain old daily driver workstations; OpenBSD can do it. While it isn't the most beginner friendly operating system on the planet, that's the price you pay by getting the raw power and capability of your hardware unabridged. Think of it like driving stick vs. manual.

OpenBSD supports many opensource projects and can easily install them without requiring building from source, unless you want it to. Depending on if you have a need to work on a custom port, you can easily modify it to run on OpenBSD if you have the necessary programming skills.

You can even rebuild the kernel if you are reckless enough to try it.

Check out the community for more information.

If you are interested in having OpenBSD be part of your security infrastructure I can help. Be it with the setup and implementation or the maintenance and upkeep. Discretion is of-course, included.


Are you in need of an on-the-go, portable, security solution?

Do you need to be able to communicate from almost any device any-where at any-time?

Are you a reporter or whistleblower needing help getting information to authorities?

Whatever your particular need is for anonymity: I can assist you in learning how to protect yourself from bad actors and adversaries.

All you will need is a willingness to learn, a USB thumb drive, and a "Burner" Laptop. I can assist you with learning how to setup Tails, TOR, and other security utilities to protect you and your activities. You will need to learn how to become comfortable with Linux but that's the only per-requisite other than the required hardware.

Reach out if you would like to learn how to use this tool to protect yourself.